Founding partners.

SEEF was founded in 2017 by Frederick De Gryse and Patrizia Civetta. 

Patrizia can rely on 30 years of experience as an expert in education and social integration in Italy and Belgium. She has been volunteering for the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata since 2009. 

Frederick has gained experience in Belgium, Luxembourg and Italy over 25 years in impact finance and philantropy. 

Sounding board.  

PITR PRAHAN - Local Representative North-India

DARSI DON BOSCO -  Local Representative South-India 

CESAR KINANGU - Local Representative DR Congo / Mayombe

JOSEPH MBERA - Local Representative Burundi

ATHANASE LUBONGO - Local Representative DR Congo / Kinshasa

Where to find us.

Social Ecology Education Fund 

Rue Médori 83, B-1020 Brussels

Local representation office: Gentsesteenweg 43, B-8500 Kortrijk

Mob.+WhatsApp: +32 497 48 53 31

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